Discounted prescription glasses

Glasses are expensive. Way expensive. So when I found myself needing a new pair recently, I cringed at the thought of dropping the standard $200 or more for a single pair. I usually wear contacts, so glasses are just a back up for me any way.

I did a ton of research, and stumbled upon a website offering prescription glasses, including the frame and lenses, starting at $6.95. Surely, this had to be a scam, right? Because, seven bucks is outrageously cheap. I scoured the web to confirm my suspicions, but everywhere I looked, the company had legitimate, great reviews.

I decided to give it a try, using a one time use debit card, just in case. To my complete shock, there were a lot of options for the $6.95 advertised price. There were enough options that instead of getting one pair, I got three. Because, seven bucks, duh.

Now, as with most companies out there, there were some upsells at checkout.  The one in particular that was highly recommended, and which I chose not to refuse, was the anti-reflective coating for $4.95 per pair. I was ready for this though, because every time I have ordered glasses from anywhere, they have stressed the importance of this feature (though it’s generally more like $50 to add)

Now I had really gotten myself into trouble – each pair was now going to be $11.90 – oops. After getting everything just the way I wanted, I found myself staring at the dreaded shipping page. Oh no, I thought, how much is this going to cost me? Brace yourself… $5.00 for the whole order.

So, at this point, I had ordered 3 pairs of glasses with anti reflective coating, conveniently shipped right to my house and the total cost of the order was under $45.

In under two weeks, they arrived. Each pair was in it’s own,  high quality case, complete with microfiber cloths. And as far as quality goes, they were indiscernible from any other pair of glasses I’ve had before. All in all, it was a success in every way. I’ve worn them several times and they have been fabulous.

With all of the money I saved, I could finally get myself some of those super helpful things that clean both sides of the lenses at the same time. My glasses game has never been more on point.


If you want to get yourself a sweet new pair of glasses for a great price, head over to:


If you have a great company in mind that you get your discount glasses from, be sure to comment and let us know about your experience. We are always looking for a great deal!

Discount prescription glasses
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Discount prescription glasses
Can you really get a decent pair of glasses for less than $12 each? Yeah you can!
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