Don’t join Movie Club

Movie Club promises a great monthly cost with a few cool benefits. But, is it worth it? Not to me. Here’s why:

The monthly cost is $8.99 for one admission to a regular 2d film, and 20% off of concessions. So, if you’re seeing a film after 6:00 every month, then you save a few bucks.

However, Movie Club doesn’t take into account that matinee films cost less than $8.99. For example, in my area, a matinee is $7.50. Which means as a Movie Club member, I would lose $1.49 each time I saw a matinee film.

Now, maybe you’re thinking that you could just buy the ticket separately and use your credit towards a future viewing. Well, in theory that would work, but don’t plan on buying your matinee online because your forced to use your credit for the ticket. If you use a different account to bypass that measure, guess what – you will pay $1.70 in “Online fees.” It’s a lose lose situation.

In my opinion the only way to win with Movie Club is if you see one non-matinee film every month. Otherwise, it’s a no from me. But wait, there are other options! AMC A-list is a goldmine of awesomeness, where the you really come out on top. Read our article about that here:

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